Friday, February 17, 2012


Many Activities

It's been awhile since I blogged because I've been super busy over the last month or so. I haven't been taking a lot of photos though. The Many Activities Flickr Set contains images from at least four events I've gone to over the last couple of months, including an awesome Christmas Cookie Contest, where various Toronto-based art-organization compete to bake the best cookies for their collective Christmas party (I'm pleased to announce that Interaccess, an organization somewhat similar to hacklab, took third place! Their cookies are pictured to the right). I totally crashed that party, but next year hacklab is going to compete, if I can figure out what the contest was called so I can google it! There are also photos from two different Toronto Wearables Meetup events, including one where we made electronic Christmas cards using conductive paint. In the middle, you can see a few photos I took at the Allan Gardens, which is a super beautiful place to visit, especially when it's cold outside!  I also visited the Riverdale Farm, but I forgot to take any photos while I was there! Finally, the collection contains some shots from Subtle Technologies Art Science Camp 2, which was lots of fun again this year. I met Nikola of Singularity Weblog whose blog I have been reading for at least a year, plus I made my own plush heart :-). I've also been doing other exciting things, but I'm going to hold off on blogging about them until they are done...

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